What is a Bookie?

When getting into the sports betting business, you will go for either one: a sports bettor, or a bookie. But since your idea of a bookie is probably clouded by stereotypically scary men in movies, we’ll explain what is a bookie, and what a bookie can do. Because surprisingly, bookies are hardly the scary type. In act, there’s a little bit of math skills needed here. 

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The Basics of Poker

The Basics of Poker

Poker is undoubtedly one of the most popular casino games. So much so that online casinos, even bookie software products always tend to include poker. It is, after all, and enjoyable card game where you can win money as well. There are different types of poker games, although the most popular is the Texas Hold’em. So, for today, we’ll help you learn the basics of poker, Hold’em style.

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What is Run Line in Baseball Betting

What is Run Line in Baseball Betting

While wagering on baseball, you’ll be confronted with three standard alternatives: the moneyline, over/under and run line. For this tutorial, we’ll teach you about run line in baseball betting. The moneyline is the most straightforward of the three bets; you’re essentially wagering on which group will win. You ought to likewise know this when you […]

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Improve your Home Gambling Experience

Improve your Home Gambling Experience

The new era of technology and the implementation of Internet wireless connections available for ordinary citizens came along with a new way of entertainment – the so-called online gambling. Since then, the gambling industry has grown rapidly and has become an important part of everyday leisure nowadays. Players have embraced online casino games happily without […]

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